She had an amazing smile, soft voice, and delightful eyes - the look at you and speak: "I want to be your friend"! She was an exchange student visiting from Tanzania for one year. While running errands with her "house mom", they stopped at our office. After a brief visit, I asked Rauhiyah's house mom if she could join ALMS.
"If she's here to learn about American lifestyle, ALMS is the perfect place! She will make friends, learn how we prepare for the workforce, hear mentors' stories, and build relationships while enjoying our food. Rauhiyah's eyes lit up. She was very excited to start the program. We are so glad she did!
As she heads back to her home in Tanzania, we are sad to see her go, but know with confidence that she will go on to accomplish great things.
Farewell, Rauhiyah!
Jayne Williams
Founder & Executive Director