We Are Still Open!


Yes, we are still open and finally, within COVID-19 guidelines, we can go into the clubhouse! ALMS has done everything in our power to provide a service to our youth during this unprecedented time. Along with Zoom group calls, Zoom one-on-one calls, phone calls, texting and Zoom training on the "Basics" soft skills - ALMS also meets in the park with student referrals from Cesar Chavez High School. We will do whatever we must to serve - every young adult wanting help - even if it must be one at a time!

With that said and considering the limitations imposed by COVID-19, ALMS met in the park for a little over a month, establishing a young adult Toastmaster Club (public speaking). Participation grew steadily each week. However, an extended heatwave and unhealthy smoke from continuous forest fires caused us to suspend meeting in the park until better conditions can arrive.

Of course, that stopped ALMS in-person activities completely (until further notice) as we watched California in the purple “widespread” tier compound the problem with Mother Nature.

Public schools are operating with distance-learning Zoom classes, which prevents ALMS from meeting with prospective participants on school campuses. However, we continue serving out-of-school alumni youth. The good news - most are working and still stay in touch!

While reaching out to Yolo County Health Department, I was encouraged that the county is making progress in their fight against COVID 19. County officials suggested ALMS wait until the county went from the purple “widespread” tier to red “substantial” before opening-up the clubhouse for limited activities. Thank you, Yolo residents for following the guidelines and moving our county into next tier so we might re-engage with our ALMS youth. Cross your fingers!

I realize we are not out of the woods yet. We are fortunate to have supportive landlords who lease ALMS space, monthly givers who share the financial burden, volunteers who wait patiently and respond when called upon and a powerful, dedicated, Board of Directors who cares so passionately, and a special thanks to the Reveille Lions Club.

The job of ALMS is never done. In one day, ALMS received calls and texts from four different young people. One had a relationship loss. She didn’t believe she could cope, but we reminded her how to grieve and release. Another called to celebrate passing her driver’s license test! Another needed cooking instructions. We walked her through instructional videos on YouTube. And one ALMS alumni just needed to talk and make a difficult decision about her educational future. After an emotional moment where she came to terms with her circumstances, she ultimately embraced hope and received instruction to move forward with her educational plans. And so it goes. We are here for our young people - always!

During this pandemic we are aware of three ALMS alumni who advanced in their workplace and another landing his first job. He is receiving on-the-job training in high-end graphic design software. As a young, aspiring artist without access to technology – he is enjoying his new position, according to his employer.

ALMS COVID-19 prevention protocols include mandatory mask wearing, six feet apart at all times, cleaning and sanitizing workstations, tables, temperature taking and hand washing upon arrival, fans and windows open for air circulation, and sign-in sheets for contact tracing. ALMS is carefully re-opening under guidance from Yolo County Health officials.

ALMS COVID-19 prevention protocols include mandatory mask wearing, six feet apart at all times, cleaning and sanitizing workstations/tables, temperature taking and hand washing upon arrival, fans and windows open for air circulation, and sign-in sheets for contact tracing. ALMS is carefully re-opening under guidance from Yolo County Health officials.

Help us continue to offer a safe way to prepare our youth for their future. Monthly donations are still needed to reach our operating needs. Your donation of $20 or $25 a month or more can make us completely independent of government funding.

Click the button below for our website. You can DONATE on any page. We appreciate anything you can give, and thank you in advance! For more information, contact me directly.

Jayne Williams

Founder and Executive Director


Happy Holidays


Jimmy Didn't Give Up