Yes We Can and Yes We Did

"Ms. Jayne, working here is the best thing I've ever done. I'm staying safe. We had a few cases of the corona virus. We all have to be cautious. I hope you are staying safe too!" (via text)

Those  were the words of ALMS Alumna Diana, who began her dream in the medical field after completing a year-long training as a Medical Assistant (MA) at Job Corps in Sacramento. When I met Diana, she wanted to be a rock-star. She wanted to learn how to sing and play the guitar. But when that didn't work for her, she told me she wanted to be a pediatrician. "Doctors were always nice to me when I was a little girl," she said.

"Well, Diana, let's get you into the medical field, and maybe you'll discover what you really want to do while you're earning a paycheck." Those were my words to her.

We met Diana four years ago. It took her a while to figure out what she wanted to do, and another couple of years following the plan. But she knows her mentors are always available for her. She really did become a rock-star, and now she can be helpful to all the patients that she has the privilege to help.

You can listen to Diana's message to future participants under Students > Testimonials here on our website.

Congratulations Diana!

Jayne Williams

Executive Director


Mercedes - 4 Years Later


Seeing Someone For Who They Could Be Is The Inspiration Of A Mentor