Partner Opportunities

Partner with ALMS

Partnering with the community will help meet the needs of a growing epidemic where young people (particularly those with single-parent homes) are repeating a generational pattern of poverty, a self-destructive lifestyle and/or a lack of responsibility and character, which is adding to the collapse of our economy and future families.

Our goal is that character and work ethic training will produce future leaders that you will want and need in your organization.

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Business and Government Partners

You can provide a helping hand to the next generation by providing volunteer opportunities to give them experience and a chance to find their passion, as well as internships and entry-level positions if they qualify.

Church Partners

You can provide a helping hand to the next generation by giving your members an opportunity to meet a growing need in their community and grow in their faith as they serve others. 1 John 3:18 says, “Dear children, let us stop saying we love people. Let us really love them and show it with our actions.” ALMS will offer training and support to your members; as well as provide a structure for them to use their strengths and gifts to serve the community in meaningful, powerful and relevant ways.

Skilled Trades Partners

You can provide a helping hand to the next generation by providing apprenticeship opportunities to young adults interested in choosing a career as a skilled trades-person you can count on.

Education Partners

You can provide a helping hand to the next generation by helping us get the word out to young adults ages 15-25 who might be good candidates for the ALMS Job Readiness program.

Ready to Partner with ALMS?

Please complete and submit the information below.

Do you know a young adult who may benefit from the ALMS program?

Click here to complete a Refer a Young Adult to ALMS form.