A Jump Start!
An Industry Tour with Civil Engineers
The Industry Tour, hosted by Laugenour & Meikle, a leading Woodland civil engineer and land surveying company, offered an open door to a world of possibilities for ALMS students. Whether they are interested in surveying sites outdoors, working in an office, or exploring their creative side, this tour was designed to inspire and motivate students from Woodland and Pioneer High School.
The students had the chance to observe the equipment used for land surveying and had a well organized presentation in the conference room from engineers with computer software they use to develop technical plans for roads, parks, buildings, and more.
This tour, made possible through the partnership between the Woodland Chamber of Commerce and ALMS, was a testament of our commitment to opening doors for students to see what's possible in the world of work, as well as a service to the Chamber membership seeking prepared, eager youth looking for their place in the adult workforce.
Cynthia Evans, Woodland Chamber Executive Director and Matthew Souza, Principal Surveyor with Laugenour and Meikle sit with Woodland and Pioneer High School Students.
Imagine - the impact of changing the trajectory of just one young person’s life. “We would actually change more than that person because we would change how they choose their spouse, love their children, invest into their community, improve their planet – and maybe save the world.”