Be A Giant


Be a Giant
By Natalie Crenshaw

Imagine a tall giant, except this giant wasn't always a giant, but instead looked like everyone else - until she was told to "be the bigger person."

Because sometimes to be the bigger person you have to let your siblings hurt you by being mean about your insecurities, or about your secrets - without saying anything hurtful back.

Sometimes, to be the bigger person you have to let your classmates pick on you about not getting the school work right the first time, or the second time, maybe even the fifth time - instead of being mean back.

Sometimes to be the bigger person you have to let your fifth grade teacher embarrass you in front of the class - instead of embarrassing her back.

Every time you put up with someone, every time you hold yourself back, you get a little bit bigger - until you get taller, until you eventually become a giant. But it's hard for me to be a giant!

I was told to be the bigger person by my parents because out of my siblings I was the only one who listens, and that's hard. I was told by my friends to be the bigger person when my classmates picked on me, because they didn't want to get in trouble for defending me, and that was hard. I was told by my teachers to be quiet, stay seated, and mind my own business, because they would handle it, when really they never did, and that was hard...

Now I want you to imagine the giant walking into a house and before she could get her foot in the door her head hits the door frame.

To me it's even harder when I want to say something to a family member or a friend except I can't. Because I don't want to stir up a conflict by being honest, it slowly eats away at me. That's what it's all about right? To be the bigger person is to not stir conflict no matter how much it may conflict?

Imagine that every time she goes anywhere the giant hits her head over and over again, because she was bigger than she thought. One day after she hits her head she demands for a bigger house! Then everyone looks at her like she's a big monster.

You see, it's hard to always be the bigger person. Especially when I didn't fully understand what it meant or who it was actually for. I had to learn that being the bigger person is for someone else before it becomes for you.

First it was for my parents to teach me that it was actually for my siblings before it turned into obedience and discipline. Then it was for my friend's and classmates. I learned to consider their well being and their reputation. I learned to always be kind and considerate of others.

Finally it was for my teachers, even if they didn't fix the problem, I learn that I still have to be respectful even while defending myself.

I had to learn that to be the bigger person isn't just for me; but also for those around me...and to learn from it, is to be a giant. It's hard to be a giant, just like it's hard to be anything good. But I will tell you - nothing beats the view from up here.

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Natalie graduated from Cache Creek High School in 2018. She participates in the Toastmasters group ALMS is putting together. This was her Ice Breaker Speech.

Your monthly donation will assure the continuation of this program with 85% of your dollars going directly to our youth. We believe our youth have a lot to say and we give them an opportunity to be heard. Woodland has a tool to change the course of a young person's life. A monthly donation of $20, $25, or $30 can make the difference for a budding writer, artist, counselor, teacher, CEO or Congressperson. These are hard times, but we can keep our youth inspired and get them prepared for a life after COVID. They can become giants.

Click the button below for our website. You can DONATE on any page. We appreciate anything you can give, and thank you in advance! For more information, contact me directly.

Jayne Williams
Founder and Executive Director


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