Jimmy Didn't Give Up


Last week I was telling some of our ALMS students about a really cool story that is unfolding in my life right now. Before I can proceed, I need to tell you the backstory. . . .

A little more than a month ago a little dog ran into my garage. I named him Jimmy. Jimmy was an orphan dog - terrified, hungry and thirsty. He had dirty, matted hair, really long claws, and he was extremely skinny to the point that he had bones sticking out at very awkward angles. It was painfully obvious that he was discarded and uncared for. We found out through people we met on Facebook that for the last three months he had been spotted around town, scared and running for his life, scrounging for food and sleeping when and wherever he could find a safe place to lay his head. There was no love anywhere in sight.

One person, a police officer here in Woodland, told us that he had an encounter with Jimmy about a month prior. He spotted Jimmy running down the middle of the road in the wee hours of the night. He tried to catch him, but was unsuccessful. He said that he almost had Jimmy into his car, but Jimmy got spooked and took off running. The officer never saw him again.

After being on the road for at least three months (that we know of) Jimmy ran into our garage and became a part of our lives forever! We took him in, nurtured him, cared for him and we took him to our vet to be checked out. We gave him a safe place where he matters, is valued and treated with respect. We took him with us all over town and introduced him to new, healthy activities - absorbing him into the safety and security of our family. Then we just sat back and watched him blossom!

Our family changed his life! Jimmy's Cinderella rags to riches story is well documented on his Facebook page called - Jimmy's New Life!

After our our students listened to my story, they pondered in silence for a few minutes. One of our long-time alumni ALMS students, Betty Calloway, started talking profoundly about some parallels she noticed. "Jimmy should be our ALMS mascot" she said. "Because everyone of us is a Jimmy!"

Then she explained what that meant to her and how the story resembled her experience, "everyone of us found ALMS when we were floundering, lost and scared. Many of us had been homeless, discarded and in some instances left to fend for ourselves - sometimes without hope. Many of us were running in the middle of the night not knowing which way to go.

Luckily, we found a place that is safe where people care for us. Our mentors take us in, dust us off, show us new skills and experiences. They feed us and convince us that we have a voice and that we matter. ALMS helps to give floundering young adults a new life just like Jimmy."

Jimmy has been accepted as the ALMS mascot. He is a reminder of the possibility of a new life, a motivating example to keep everyone moving forward. Jimmy never gave up looking for someone who would care and value him. Let's not give up on our young people. Let's give them the same hope.

LC Cunningham, Mentor

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Jimmie represents a population of youth that are often discarded and left to fend for them self and not all of them are running the streets - YET! Help ALMS keep our doors open so we can help the Jimmy's in Woodland before they become a problem in our community.

To those who give - THANK YOU! We are only trying to cover our basic expenses. Your monthly donation will assure the continuation of this program with 85% of your dollars going directly to our youth. Woodland has a tool to change the course of a young person's life. A monthly donation of $20, $25, or $30 can make the difference to possibly keep a young person off the streets and moving forward towards a fulfilling job. Just ask Jimmie.

Click the button below for our website. You can DONATE on any page. We appreciate anything you can give, and thank you in advance! For more information, contact me directly.

Jayne Williams
Founder and Executive Director


We Are Still Open!


Be A Giant